Twas 2 Nights Before Christmas Authored by... London James Guerra!
Hey, all of my Mama's cookies are in the oven and my house is light and bright Peeps! Well, the Christmas Season and festivities are in full swing up here! Mama, Dad-O and I have decided that this year, instead of mailing out a Christmas Card, we were going to blog a Nostalgic Poem, but change it up- once more- London Style. Grab a candy cane and some hot chocolate and enjoy.
Twas 2 nights before Christmas,
When all through Visalia City
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even Mama Kitty.
The stockings were hung
And the computer was on,
So I decided to reminisce,
About 2013, it was the bomb!
Mama and Dad-O were nestled
All snug in their bed,
While visions of having turned 30
Danced in their heads.
And me with my front teeth
And I in my bow-tie,
Was sitting in the Presbyterian Church
Watching Aunt Mon marry my Uncle Rye.
When out on the VonMeter's lawn
There hopped the Easter Bunny,
Mama and Dad-O wanted a quick pic;
Trying to catch him was so funny.
Away to my Dodger gear
I dressed at the start of the Season,
Perhaps I was good luck
And them making it to the Play-Offs- I could've been the reason.
The sun in the farmland
Was shining and ablaze;
While excitement of turning one
Was coupled with party planning-craze.
When what to my dazzling eyes
Did I see,
But Mickey's amazing Clubhouse
And those I adore... Celebrating Me!
The most impressive gift,
Given by Uncle Jer and Aunt Wen,
It was a hand drawn portrait of me-
It's an absolute gem!
With Mr. Sandman
Coming through and delivering my dream,
My First Birthday was the coolest,
That I'd ever seen!
We scurried like mice,
My family all went
To Disneyland this Summer,
A lot of magical moments were spent!
"Now Nathaniel! Now Jason!
Now, Aubrie and Grimmi!
On, Jacob! On, Lindsay!
On, Papa Rich and my Noni!
To the entrance of Main Street!
To the Lands all around!
I wore my Mouse Ears all Day;
And I'm a fan of the firework sound!
Towards the end of summer
I was dedicated at Visalia First,
With Papa Rich teaching "The Word"
You can't help but give an "Amen" outburst!
So with Fall drawing near
The summer it flew,
With day trips to Yosemite,
And the Sequoia Park, too.
In first not believing,
We may see a brown bear
Mama saw one, she did!
It evoked quite the scare.
September it was welcomed
Though we missed Dad-O on his business trip;
But Grandpa Mark came to visit
And I learned he was way cool and really hip!
I would sing with all my might
And Grandpa would join in;
Give our band 20 years,
A Grammy we're sure to win!
The patch full of pumpkins
Was loaded with corn mazes and fun;
Especially for yours truly
Since now I can walk and even run!
Days before Halloween
I received First Mission from Space Command!
Jacob and I suited up like LightYear
And Trick-Or-Treated at the ol' Disneyland!
My first haircut was quite the deal,
Acting calm I certainly tried,
But my mellowness didn't matter
Mama still missed my duck-tail and cried.
The last day of October
I was of course Mickey Mouse;
We partied and dressed up,
It wouldn't have been any other way in my house!
In November Dad-O received a job offer;
Our families are excited all around,
Moving back to Orange County
We say our goodbyes to the farms and to V-Town.
After Thanksgiving
With the Seasons going by faster;
Mama and Dad-O launched an ETSY business
It's called Moments Ever After.
We love staying busy
Between myself, Daddy and Mom,
But I still love blogging here
At themanyadventuresoflondonjames.blogspot.com!
My best buds and I,
Have been so blessed this past year;
And we want you to know how much you're loved
You are all sweeter than Santa's Reindeer!
When enjoying all the fun
Of this super festive Season,
I pray you feel happiness and joy
And remember that Jesus is the Reason!
As I end this blog
I say with all my London might,
"Merry Christmas to all.
And to all an awesome night."
Posted by London James at 10:36 PM
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