Dreams Come True!
Hey all of my Jungle Cruisin', Small World Boatin', First time at Sleeping Beauty's Castlin' Mousketterin', took 3 weeks to process the excitement of my Birthday Weekend Peeps! Soooo, after my First Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Birthday Party, I made the statement that it would be the absolute cherry on top sort of Birthday Weekend if Mama and Daddy took me to Disneyland for the very first time.... guess what? Mama and Daddy were ahead of the game, one of their Birthday presents to me was to take me to Disneyland the day after my Big Birthday Bash! Mr. Sandman delivers again! I woke up that morning and Mama was telling me all of the new and fun things I would get to see that day... I was in disbelief... I would actually get to visit The Mouse's REAL House today!!!
I began to ponder... what do folks wear when they get to spend the whole day at Mickey' s humble abode?
Then Mama said she had the perfect shirt that she knew I would love to wear for this ultra special occasion. But first, we had to apply sunscreen, 70 SPF to be exact... but Mama, I thought, if we screen the sun that much, it may get in the way of my tan!
I made the executive decision not to argue with her on this one and to just keep sipping my H2O... besides she totally delivered on the t-shirt! I may have had greasy hair from the 70 SPF, but major pager approval on the fashion!
Then Mama decides in the midst of all of Our weekend Adventures that she wants to make a Disneyland worthy snack to pack... so here it is, she made Mickey Oreo Pops!
Mommy showed the Mickey snack to me once we parked in the Disneyland Parking Structure on level, none other than Mickey, in spot 8H!
With Mickey sippy cup, Mickey Pal, Mickey Oreo Pop and Mama and Daddy in tow... off we were to the Magic Kingdom... or to the tram to take us to the Magic Kingdom! I was getting suer duper excited that I couldn't help but grin the whole way through the parking structure!
You can get a great view of my awesome Disneyland fashion in this pic of me on the- oh so famous and one of the favortie rides of peeps my age- Tram.
Daddy and Mama bought Season passes to The Park, Disneyland charged them an entrance fee, but not me, I guess they thought I was just too cute to charge!
Suddenly we were passing through a cobble stoned paved tunnel, which hung a very expensive looking sign over head that read, "Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy"- I am going to be exhausted tanosted if I am going to be time travelling! The author you ask of this eloquent statement? Walter Elias Disney. Who is this you ask? The man, that I am beginning to learn, had quite a hand in helping Mickey build this place.
By this point I really needed a sipper whipper and a bite of some yogurt... so we stopped and took a break by the mote and swimming ducks in Fantasyland. While in this land that is totally fantastic, Daddy showed me some horses that are pets of King Arthur that gallop in a circle... they are rather friendly and quite tame, I mean total strangers were riding them!
And then the most spectacular surprise of all, came pretty quickly in the Adventure of my Day, London James Guerra- that's me- was tall enough to ride his very first ride! I learned a few things about this journey, beginning with, Mickey Mouse must have an astronomical electric bill each month because of all of the lights that are in this ride. I learned that you have to keep your hands, arms, feet and legs inside while the boat is moving... For me, that is tough to do!
I learned that that Mama loves this ride!
And I learned that... it is a Small World After All!
After getting a taste of my first ride, there was no holding this Kid down, off to the next ride that would appreciate my height.
The Jungle Cruise was the winner! That would be the 2nd ride of my Disney Adventure Day! Mama thinks this one is very funny!
Of course Daddy and Mama made sure to pick up all of the "must have" first time souvenirs, and those "must haves" just wouldn't be complete without a set of the Main Man's Ears... or 2 sets of Ears if your name is London. Yes, you heard me, the Folks got one pair that had "London's 1st Visit" and the date on it, and another pair that I could wear for all the other times we go to visit with just my name on it! The Parentals are always thinkin' ahead!
We got my ears just in time for me to meet Mickey himself! But the sheer excitement of this moment so got to me, that I had to take a siesta (that's a nap).
Mama and Daddy waited until I was just about to wake up before heading into the Mouse's ToonTown Crib (that means house in cool talk).
I woke up and Mama, Daddy, Grimmi and Myself were all in Mickey's Toon House! At first I thought I might have still been napping, but I wasn't! No Sir-ee Sam!
Pluto has his own doggie gate and Mickey's closet needs to be cleaned out and organized and there is a photo of Mic and Walt framed on the wall as you walk in! HGTV would love how The Mouse has done up the place!
My favorite part of The House was the Birthday Cake and Birthday Balloons that Mickey had made for me in honor of my 1st Birthday Celebration!
And all I could think was that he is the most thoughtful Mouse that I have ever almost met!
Oh my goodness, I didn't get him anything for his birthday...
I hope that his feelings aren't hurt... hopefully Pluto, Minnie, Goofy, Donald and Daisy went all out for him!
After going through all of this trouble for my Birthday, I was getting even more nervous to meet the biggest star on television!
I was about to meet my best buddy!
I wondered if he even knew we were best buddies?!? Did he know that I don't eat my meals without watching the Clubhouse? That's how I get my Folks to turn on his show, I eat if they turn him on the tube!
I was going to meet The Mouse while he was at work in his movie barn!!!
I'm givin' a Mouskateer salute in the cartoonist house...
Here I am in my very first picture with my best bud Mickey Mouse!
I even got to give Mickey a kiss on his nose!
In looking around his movie barn, I couldn't help but notice a ton of old movie scenes that were captured on photo... and guess what?
Mama and I got to be special guests in Mickey's filming for that day!
Mickey is just as nice in person as he is on the Clubhouse, it is not even an act. He did not even mention one thing about me not getting anything for him for his B-Day! He is just a good natured Mouse.
Do mice eat rice cakes? Maybe I could have offered him one of my apple flavored rice cakes...
After my Mickey Movie Debut I was parched!
My Mouska Hat goes off to this coolest town that was ever built... Toon Town I love 'ya!
I was feeling pretty pumped after my meet and greet with The Mouse, I felt ready to be the one to pull the sword from this stone... I got a lil' intimidated when I saw what I was up against, so Mama and Daddy said that they would help me out but that I could take the title as King... that sword is totally stubborn or Mama and Daddy were not putting their weight into it, never the less, we 3 already planned on trying to make me King next time!
At this point in Our Disney Adventure Day, we decided it was high time to head over to California Adventure and see what characters we could spot over yonder! Hey Mic, found your Dog!
Pluto was pretending to be a director for a movie, his hat was pretty snazzy!!! I was kinda busy using Mama's shoulder as a teether at this exact moment while meeting the world famous Pup... but we 4 still delivered a Kodak moment to be treasured!
You know what I learned when meeting Pluto? I learned that my Pluto pillow pet is much fluffier and softer than the real Pluto! Maybe he just needed a bubble bath! My lucious locks always get fuller after my bath times. No worries, it was truly awesome-tastic meetin' you Pooch!
And then we zoomed over to the one and only land that Mama and Daddy have never visited, and that would be the new Cars Land!
My Folks were duperly kanooperly excited to see this place! I was hoping to see Tow Mater, he is my Favorite Car!
We travelled next to canyons...
And under bridges to get to Radiator Springs! The home to Lightning McQueen, Tow Mater and all of the other car-tastic characters!
But I did have to take a pit stop before strolling down Radiator Springs' main drag... I was ready to get into my P.J.'s.
Unbelievable!!! I spotted him from a mile away- well, like a couple feet away- it was Tow Mater. He was just parked there and smilin' right at me with his big ol' two front teeth! Picture op Folks! Get 'er done!
These Parks have everything! Even a Land dedicated to bugs!!! We decided we would explore that Land on Our next Trip... I don't know if Mama will like all the bugs, but I'm a boy, liking bugs is like what I do... pretty excited for the next trip!
Next we ran into Walt and Mickey...
This statue represents the first time Walt came out to California with just the clothes on his back and a suitcase. Mickey packed just one suitcase, too. Boy, oh boy! Mic came out to California wearing those shorts and he still wears them today... those shorts have been through a lot... they may need to be dried cleaned for about a year.
And then I found some awesome hats! They don't just make the traditional, classic Mickey Ears anymore, they make Mickey Ears that represent all different events and characters! I wonder if my ears could ever become this famous? This pair of Ears was rather appropoe! Happy Birthday to Me!
Goofy's teeth on these Ears kept falling down near my eye!
Donald's representation on the Ears was rad... the Duck is one of my favorite characters as of right now.
I was trying to do the math in my super smart brain... how much would it cost to get 3 more sets of Ears on top of the 2 we already got earlier... sub total = too much.
Dad, not now.
Mama is a very "theme-oriented" sort of Mama; example: anything having to do with Birthday at Disneyland, I think she picked up and said, "Ahhh!" (reminder: Disneyland was the Folks gift to me for my First Birthday).
Then magic, like none other that I have ever seen, filled the night sky. Fireworks! I am already a fan of firework shows due to the simple fact that I was born on the Fourth of July... hello! But Disneyland knows how to put on a Firework Spectacular that is spectacular! Mama cried when she watched the firework show with me, it was an exciting show... why the tears? Maybe she got some pixie Dust in her eye.
It was time for our night stroll down Main Street...
Us 3 Mouska-teers were taking in the beautiful lights, the cheery sounds and the yummy sweet smells of this Old Timey Street. One of the things Mama wanted to do for my first visit is to get my sillouette done on Main Street... Ta-Da!
Pretty cute, eh?
I really wanted to go see Sleeping Beauty's Castle one more time! She turned the lights on her house and it puts any Christmas House lights to shame... and this is how Beauty's Castle is lit every night... Thomas Edison is lovin' this park!
Dad, I am trying to show you in which direction to carry me, you can call me a Mini Disneyland Guide.
Kissable face, I know, I've been told a trillion times before.
Perfect Guide following Daddy-O; right to the Castle!
Mama, I don't think Sleeping Beauty would let You and Me and Daddy move into her Castle; besides, it seems like she is not in any state to ask her... she is Sleeping.
But Mama, if I ever have the privilege of speaking with this sleepy Princess I will for sure ask if maybe we could just crash at her pad when we are in town! It sure is the most awesome Castle ever!
By this time, it was close to 11:30 PM and I just about reached my Adventure limit for the day... here I am kinda going, hey Mama, need your shoulder to go nappinnies (a.k.a. to sleep).
Life lesson #242, Sleeping Beauty's Castle makes you sleepy.
Almost nappinnies...
Sleeping Handsome!
My dreams would have a tough time being as magical as my day was...
They aren't even joking when they say Dreams Come True here!
Even Daddy-O felt like he was going to go nappinnies on the tram ride back to the Parking Structure, level Mickey, spot 8H.
But once we started walking through the parking structure I awoke, realizing that we were leaving my favorite place on Earth... Mama re-assured me that we would visit again on August 19th... We will be back soon Mickey!
The next morning, all I wanted to do is wear my Best Pal's Ears!
I had the best and greatest and most awesomist 1st Birthday Weekend that I could have ever dreamed of! I kinda wanna do it all again! Mama and Daddy are looking a lil' exhausted though...
Maybe I should start helping the Folks plan Our August 19th Visit to The Happiest Place on Earth! First we will go to Bugs Land... I will hold your hand Mama... then we will go say hi to Tow Mater... how about riding Winnie the Pooh in Critter Country? We will definitely stop by and give Mic a high five... oh so much to do... it's a good thing Mama and Daddy have a pass and that I am too cute to charge!!!
You know somethin'? Walt was right. I sure did "... enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy" on my first Visit to Disneyland; but something more magical happened than time travel on this trip, the 3 Mouska-teers (Mama, Daddy and Me) got to experience the Magic of Disney together.
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