A First Easter Bunny Tale!Stuffed Animal Appreciation Day!Hope I Look M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E! That's Me! I am so proud of my Daughter and Son in Law. They created this blog for their son London who is a precious gift from God ! I Wanted to share their talent and love for their son!
Hey y'all! How are all of my peeps doin' out there? I am doing I am so proud GREAT! I have such a fun blog to share today, and it all starts with a lil' Mouse...
On this special day my Mommy surprised me with a very fun gift...
MICKEY EARS!!! Say cheers! They were my Mommy's and she handed them down to me! Don't worry, I'll grow into them!
My Mommy thought it would be the perfect time to hand down The Ears for the celebration of the new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Season Premier (for those of you who may not know, this show is my FAV)! What was that Mommy, you have another surprise for me?!
We have a special guest that will be attending the premier!!! It is MICKEY MOUSE! Let's do the Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog Dance!!!
Okay, the show is about to begin! Let's see if we can get Ol' Toodles to bring us some popcorn!
Halloween Night in Gotham City...
On Halloween Night I saw the "Bat" sign from my Bat-Crib.
Someone needed my help. So it was time to become...
"Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na- BATMAN!"
Had to ditch the mask, got a lil' warm. At least I had my side-kick with me, the one and only...
JEDI MASTER YODA (He is from Star Wars)!
Ahhh, Yoda someone is coming up behind me...
Oh, nevermind, it's just my Mommy!
WAIT! Just a minute! My Daddy is wearing my mask... he wants to be just like me when he grows up!
Well, looks like my job here is done. Time to retire my Bat-suit for the night.
Maybe one day the Bat will Return, but for now...
Looking for The Great Pumpkin!
After watching "You're a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" with my Snups, I got inspired to find my very own Great Pumpkin! So Mommy, Daddy and I made a trip to my very first Pumpkin Patch!

We searched high and low...
But I couldn't find squat! So I just kept taking pics with the folks!
At least I looked good in my pumpkin bib... thanks Grimm-stone from the Flinstones!!!
P.S. I did find a couple of rad pumpkins at our local grocery store instead...
Me and Mr. Fox

It's getting a little bit colder here! Fall is in full swing... Its beginning to look a lot like... wait not sure about my seasons yet.

My next friend I met here in V-Town, it is the one and only Mr. Fox! Big round of APPLAUSE! We met at our camp out in the living room. Don't be shy Mr. Fox. Smile for the camera!
That-a-way Mr. Fox! Get used to it Mommy and Daddy LOVE to take pictures!
See ya'll on my next post. I got some good ones comin' your way!!!
Me and the original Snoop Dog!
Here's me with my buddy Snoopy that my Papa Rich got for me... I am flicking his ear, he likes that!
We are getting excited to watch "You're a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown," he tells me it's a good one!
Thanks Papa Rich for a buddy to watch my movies with! We will all have to watch one when you come up!
In case you did not know...
Hey Peeps, just wanted to share with you some pics of my two favorite people in the world...
They are my Mom and my Dad! They make everyday a new and exciting Adventure for me!
So they say that I am also in the two pics above, but I don't see myself... they MUST be sleep deprived! :) Those night owls!!!
There I am!!! This was a pic taken in my first home, Mom and Dad say that their stuff did not fit in MY room, so we moved! And moved we did, to Visalia... shocker! I will be back with my other awesome buddy, the original Snoop Dog, in my next post!
My very first post... let the adventures begin!
This is my first post. Wanted to show ya'll what I looked like when I was young....
wowzers! I am now three months!
Time flies when you are having fun!!! Just a heads up...write that down. Stay tune for my next posting... it is way past my bed time. I'm going to grab a swig of milk and hit the old bassinet. Oh and P.S. what my shirt says up top is still true.
Ho! Ho! Ho! My FIRST bite of cereal!
Hey all you carolers out there! Put down that sheet music 'cause I have a major pager of an announcement... I probably gave it away in the title, but for those of you who do not bother to read titles, here it goes... I finally got to taste my very first bite of cereal!!!
It was a lot to "digest" (LOL) the taste of rice, the crazy green and blue utensil y'all call a dinglehopper... wait no, a spoon (Mom's watchin' her Disney cartoons again)!
In this next photo, you can actually see me slurping my cereal, it was absolutely fantastic!
It took no time for me to polish that goodness of a meal right up!
So then I got to thinkin' while I was taking my last bite...
Why is Mommy feeding me? I have come a long way with my fine motor skills, I can hold the spoon! So I decided to take things into my own hands!
Ta-Da! Don't try this at home kids without a bib on; life lesson #82... I'm really just winging all this as I go.
First bite was delicioso; it was no "turducken" though! I will have to give Mom my recipe for next time! Get back to singin' carolers of mine... London James out!
Raised by Elves!
So, here is my first post for this season called Christmas Time! It seems like the coolest time of the year!!! I am convinced that my folks are actually elves, no but really... check out the shirt they bought me, I do not make these things up! Wait... now what are they putting on me?... I definitely cannot fit into that yet...
I now have one big tree, tons of lil trees, a gazillion lights, red socks hanging from my fireplace, men made of gingerbread in my kitchen and now I am wearing a hat that could fit the actual big dude they call Santa Claus!
I do love my special red sock from Noni, but I think she forgot I have two feet 'cause she only gave me one.
While my "elves" have been decking the halls, we three have been watching lots of Christmas movies and cartoons; at this moment we were watching Elf... that's a shocker.
I think I am starting to really like this furry hat, Mommy says that she will get me one that fits me and I can give this one back to Mr. Claus... not sure how to return it, I think he lives North of here.
Hey, peeps, just had a thought... if I leave the "Big Guy's" hat maybe he will put me on this Good List I have been hearing a bunch about... maybe he will even bring me two front teeth for it; I'm not picky he could bring the tops or the bottoms.
Safari in December... Why not?
Mmmm... Mommy says that today we are going on a Safari adventure and that I get to meet animals like the roaring lion, the tall giraffe and the ENORMOUS elephant! This would be my concerned face... but I love how dressed for the occasion I am!
Oh my goodness!!! Mommy left out the part about the safari friends being London size! I am super excited... Safari on dudes!
The animal that I ended up liking the most was the elephant.
He was blue, he needed a cuddle.
Mommy said that I could hold his foot, but she didn't say how!
Hmm... elephant's feet don't taste very good. Life lesson #32, write that down kids.
Mom, can you do me a favor and wash my tongue with some milk? I am exhausted!
Thanks for surfin' the safari with me! Catch 'ya later!
First Visit With My Great Richie!
On our way back to V-Town the Folks surprised me with my very first visit with my Great Grandpa and my awesome Great Grandma!!! My Great Richie and Great Connie are so nice and so wonderful and I love them with all of my heart.
Aren't these pics with my Great Abuelo Richie totally cool?!?
Here is a historic pic if I have ever seen one! Starting from the left we have my Daddy, Me, Great Richie and my Papa Rich; I am sitting in a pic with three of the greatest men that I will always look up to... Presenting FOUR generations of Guerra!
I want my Great Abuelo to know how very proud and honored I am to be a Guerra!
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!
Hey all my turkeys out there, this is me and the King Turkey on Thanksgiving morning! We went hunting for the bird, I even got my hat and boots on for this special occasion!
So I didn't actually catch the bird, but this was the first time I ever saw a REAL turkey up close. Grimmi said he even had stuffings inside!!!
I think I like the look of my Mommy's version of a turkey better...
I'm a chocolate lover and these turkeys were made out of yummy chocolate and carmel. You dip them into your hot cocoa or coffee if you need caffeine... My daddy had three cups!
My Mommy said this kind of turkey was WAY more fun to make!!! I still don't fully understand why we eat turkey -well I will eat it once I get some teeth- on this special day, so I decided to tell you what the word TURKEY means to me... let's start with "T"...
"T"= Thank you to Jesus for my family. Guess what "U" means to me...
You guessed it!!! "U" = Usually awake!
"R"= Re-runs of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!!! Especially the Numbers Round-Up Episode, that is my absolute FAV! Look, I am watching it right now!
"K"= Kisses from Mommy and Daddy!!! Those are the best!
This one is SOOOO much fun! "E" stands for every fun toy! In this pic I am sharing my Snoopy, Sock Monkey and my awesome lime green Frog!
And last, this one is a shout out to all of YOU! "Y" = Y'all for reading my blog! I love sharing all of my adventures with you! As a matter of fact, I am "thankful" for you! Hey, I am getting the hang of "Thanks"giving!
Quick side note on this really awesome day, this is how my Papa Rich and I felt when our Cowboys lost... it's okay Papa Rich, we'll get them next time... maybe.
Well, my very first Thanksgiving was super fun! I learned a lot and made it my own! Hey Mom and Dad, how about we do this day again next year, I still need to learn about those Pilgrims and Indians. But for now this is London Turkey and his folks signing off... love y'all!
Turkey Handtastic
On this Thanksgiving Eve, my Mommy and I created my very own um.. Turkey Hand. You know... the kind where you trace your hand. I'm still working on my fine motor skills so my mom said she would help out. That sweet lady.
I am feeling like I'm going to have A LOT to blog about after this day y'all call Thanksgiving! But it sounds really fun and I will share all I learn about this Turkey guy in my next post. Hey MOM! Do we get to feed this turkey? He sounds hungry...
LONDON for President!
Welp, I just went through my first Presidential Election, it is my Mommy's favorite time that comes around every four years! I made sure to come out dressed in my "All-American" outfit yesterday! Check me out!
I even have on my "Apollo Creed" shorts.
As the polls began to close I could hardly watch the vote counts...
But it wasn't long past my bedtime that it appeared that this election was leaning heavier to one side... I was just as shocked as my Grandpa Mark!
Hey, Mommy and Daddy, you said that I would see a lot of elephants and donkeys on election night, and I did not see ONE! What's up with that?
Oh well, I am more of a dog person myself. VOTE London/Pollyanna in 2052 (Note to Bella: you need to start managing our campaign like yesterday; we have A LOT of work to do)!
This Good When I Turn 90!
Hey all of my party lovin', birthday celebratin', 90 years old turnin' Peeps!!! I had the coolest day on Saturday- and not because it was raining... I crack myself up- I got to celebrate my Great Gramps Big Birthday... no he is not 1 (that will be my Big Day silly), he turned the BIG 9-0!!!!!!! Here is the Birthday Boy with Mommy!
Mommy was super excited to see Our Family that we don't get to see much; as a matter of fact, I got to meet a lot of the Fam for the first time! I met Aunt Gayle who is in this picture with Mama and Gramps, she's what we would consider a "Stage 2 Knee Slapper!"
Mama and I wanted to bring something special to Gramps for his Day; so we handcrafted the two picture frames below! The first one was from me, and the next one was from Daddy, Mommy and Me!
I got to give Gramps TWO presents and he was so thrilled that he gave me something called an "Irish Rub"... I love this Irish guy!
Mama got an "Irish Rub" too!!! Gramps was just givin' these things away for free!
And then to top off an awesome Birthday Party for my Great Gramps, my Grandpa Mark and I watched non other than the Good 'Ol Mouse named Mickey! This is my kind of party!!!
A Very, Very Happy 90th Birthday to You Great Gramps... from your favorite "Good 'Ol Boy!"
Pears, Apples, and Carrots...Oh My!
Been awhile my rumbly-in-my-tumbly Peeps! I have had a delicious month so far; it is called tasting real food!!!
You are about to see my first bite of fruit, and it was the one and only organic pear! No pesticides for this kid!!! The pear is a lil' tart with a sweet after taste... perfect combo! I'm gonna have to "pear" up with these more often... that was a knee slapper!
Next came the apples a la mode... uhhh... minus the a la mode part. Mama had the ice cream, Baby had the apples!
Now get ready for the most incredible food of them all... I'll give you a hint (don't look at the orange color on my precious face, oh, and Papa Rich don't mind the bib, we'll make it to the Big Game next year), "What's Up Doc?" Haha... yep, the carrot!
I could not believe what I was tasting... and then I came to a quick realization...
They are outstanding! By far my favorite food to date!
Hey Mom, what dish are you servin' up next? Keep 'em comin'!!!
And now, a London Movie Blogger Premier; starring, MEEEE in "The Most Wonderful Orange Veggie That Ever Got Pulled From The Ground By A Farmer In Overalls." Hope you enjoy!
Let's Party Like It's 2013!
Happy New Year's Eve confetti throwin', sparkling apple cider drinking peeps! Daddy and Mommy say they have a very special pair of sunglasses for this very special evening for me to wear, I wonder what they look like?
BOO-YAAAAAA!!! I love 'em! We put our hands in the air and we wave them around!
Then Mommy brought out even more fun things, she brought out some pots and pans from our kitchen, here I am thinkin', what's Mama gonna cook out here?
Then Daddy explained to me that I get to drum on the pans and make lots of noise to bring in the New Year... we are working on New York time so I can hit the crib.
And if that wasn't exciting enough... Mama and Pops plugged in my Noni's special New Year Ball; there's just one word for it... INCREDIBLE!
Staring at those twinkling lights is super fun! Mommy said next year all of our Christmas lights are going to be colored lights... I can't wait!
New Year's Eve with my Mommy and Daddy has been so awesome... we have our Christmas lights on, Noni's power ball glowing, my Christmas toys covering the living room, 2013 hoitee-toitee shades and Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve Special rollin' in the the background...
... the only thing missing is all of you here with the 3 of us!
This evening before this New Year is quite exhausting. As you can see I am falling asleep with my radical shades on; this may be a good time to say have an awesome night and we'll be seein' you in the New Year!!! WELCOME 2013!!!
From Rags to Toy Riches!
Here I am in my humble lil' chair approximately one week before Christmas...
Here I am after Christmas! My toes are tapping on my piano keys in a sea of toys!
I am having SOOOO much fun!
Hey Mom, have you figured out where to put all my stuff?
To hit the perfect note, the key is to jump high! Check the form folks!
Music to my ears!
Wanted to share some moments of me in the midst of my Christmas toys composing my first symphony. It will be titled, "So this is what it looks like to be on the Good List."
Hey Dad, we need a stock pile of batteries ASAP!
My Very Merry FIRST Christmas Ever!
Hey y'all holly jolly snow peeps! L to the J to the G here with the most amazing report back from this Christmas holiday; it was my favorite Christmas to date!
So my Mama and Pops went South for Christmas. They told me I was on this "Good List" and that I would be gettin' lots of awesome presents, and they were not even kidding! I got presents for two days straight!!! It started on the Eve of Christmas...
Most of the gifts I received were bigger than all of me! In this next pic was one of my absolute favorite toys of the Eve! It is my very own remote control!!!
By the end of Christmas Eve I was getting a lil' sleepy and I was ready to climb into my Christmas P.J.s... "And to all a good night."
By morning, I was up and ready to celebrate!!! Welcome Christmas Morning!!!

My Noni made me my first reindeer pancake with a piece of bacon... no, I did not get to eat it but Mommy says it was waaaayyyyy YUMMY!!!
Then it was off to "Grimm's House We Go" to celebrate Christmas Day!!!

Hey Pollyanna, what do you think of my new "Super Hero in Training" shirt? Pretty snazy if you want my opinion.

The presents started off small...
And then the mother load showed up!!! WOW-EEEE! Mommy and I both almost fit in one of the boxes!
But the size of the gift was not intimidating, no sir-eee; I tore that lovely paper right off of that package!
"DAAAAADDDDDD, you will never believe what I just got.... YIPPEEEEEEE!!!!" You could say I was a wee bit excited. It was the one and only Rock Band Machine (don't you worry, you will see me rocking out in another post)!
Even the Coach could not believe what the Grim-mister and Grandpa Mark got for me; the two of us just had to stare at it for a while...
I didn't even know where to begin... an all inclusive activity table! I have no idea what that means but it sounds cool!
Can even teach me spanish... BUENO!
Even going to learn how to tickle the ol' ivories!
Then along came a "man's best friend," my stride and ride PUPPY!!! Yes, I can even ride on this puppy, but I have to learn how to sit up all by myself first... don't worry doin' my crunches as we speak... 1-2-3-4- London is workin' on strengthening his core!
Welp, I can't thank this Santa dude, my Mommy and Daddy, my Noni and my Grimmstone and Grandpa Mark and Papa Rich enough for EVERYTHING they did to make my very FIRST Christmas the best one any kid could have ever dreamed of. I love you all with all of my heart and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!!!

Signing off for now with...
Twas the Night Before Christmas… London Style
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
The only show on T.V. was the awesome Mickey Mouse.
Mommy hung a cool stocking for me with such care,
And Daddy said Santa would be filling it ‘cause the “Big Guy” likes to share!
Five months old, how time is flying by,
Since the day I was born, on the Fourth of July.
Along came August when we moved to Visalia,
This is where I got my own room - just one word peeps - BOO-YA!
Now in “V-Town” wearing my stylin’ hats,
I am learning about tummy time on my Lion King play mat.
Away to our drive thru Starbucks we three love to go,
While listening to my favorite classic rock tunes on the radio.
My first change of season into the fall,
Brought pumpkins and costumes, which was an absolute ball!
When, what to my wondering eyes did I see,
Was myself dressed as Batman, could this possibly be?
Superheroes and Star Wars, so adventurous and rad,
I am starting to see I love a lot of things just like my Dad.
More rapid than starships Mommy’s nicknames for me come,
I just laugh and I smile… are you ready? Here are some!
“Sweet boy, and Ma-Noom, Silly Snoopy, Two-Four-Two!”
I know she will always end with, “London, Mommy loves YOU!”
From the mid of the night! Through the rest of the day!
I know that Mommy and Daddy are here for me in every single way.
My eyes they do twinkle! My smile is infectious!
I “A-Goo” and I “Coo” while Mama’s camera tries to catch this!
My recent adventure is eating cereal made of rice,
I would enjoy turkey and pies, but the bland grain will suffice.
From storybooks, the outdoors, to my Dad and my Mom,
One of my favorite things to do is blog - check me out at
Christmas time is the best; I love the lights and the tree,
But most importantly I am learning about Jesus, and how much He adores ME!
So I just wanted to share and to give some “London insight”
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!”
Hey all my couch potato sittin', chair reclinin', stuffed animal huggin' Peeps!!! So I have discovered the most fun and comfy way to watch the tube...
On my tummy in the midst of all my stuffed animals!
Many of these friends are several of my favs and I would like to take this moment to let them know how I truly feel about them...
Tags you are one of my most cuddliest Pups, second to none other than my Snoopy whom goes by the nickname "Snups".
Next up is you my lime green dog, who sings, and talks and even says my name... Yup, I am speaking of you Scout, you are always there if I am having a moment we call a "pout".
Sheriff Woody and Mr. Lightyear, you both make perfect teethers, especially when Mommy's arm needs a tiny lil' breather.
You are my very best buddy Sir Mickey Mouse, I love watching T.V. with you, especially "The Clubhouse!"
To Eeyore, Piglet, Tigger and Pooh- and this goes out to the rest of my awesome, fun and cuddly toys-this is your man London sayin', I love you!
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2013
Litmus Test for Majorly Teething
Hey all of my Act Fluoride using, Crest brushing, floss pickin' Peeps! So this particular post goes out to all of those Peeps who have not a full set of chompers... quite yet. I have put together a Litmus Test so you can accurately diagnose yourselves as "Teething Tikes!" And the test commences in 5...4...3...2...
Do you find yourself gnawing on a plastic bumble bee's anttena?
How about attempting to crawl while chewing on Sheriff Woody's Hat?
Feeling the need to still chew on Sheriff Woody's Hat even during bath time?
While dining, do you clamp down on your Munchkin spoon, not letting go, 'cause you figure it is the closest thing to a "chew toy" you've got? Not so extreme.
Thinking about gumming the brim of the bowl when the food is all gone...
Do you find that you look into your Rock Band mirror each and everyday to see the progress your sproutin' pearly whites have made?
Chewing on your Daddy's hat ring true to any of you?
Getting tired of tasting your own thumb, so going on to using your Mommy's thumb instead?
Don't EVEN think about it!
Ah... why not?
And lastly, does your Mama and Daddy keep trying to get pictures in your mouth to capture those first signs of teeth?
If you have answered "Yes" to 8 or more of these questions, then you have a possible diagnosis of Teething... better book a dental cleaning and go easy on the sweets.
And The Oscar Goes To...
Hey all my Red Carpet strollin', limo crusin', fancy to the schmancy dressed to the 9's, Oscar going Peeps! Well, it's Hollywood's BIGGEST Night and boy do I have a story for you! So there I was, L to the J to the G, sittin' in my still rented from Valentine's Day Tuxedo, eagerly awaiting to see who all these golden statues were going to go to and trying to figure out how this dude Oscar got to be so famous...
And then I heard it... "And the Oscar for Best Miniature Actor in a Leading Role goes to LONDON JAMES GUERRA!" (and the crowd went crazy!)
One word Peeps, SHOCKER! I was so honored to receive this award for my daily performance in, "The Many Adventures of London James," NOT to be confused with James Bond, he is 007, I am 00-ALMOST 1! What was I feeling at the time I received my award you ask? First I was thrilled and then here you can see I got a lil' emotional...
But then I started to feel like I needed a teething toy (still working on my top two teeth)!
On a serious note, I would like to thank the Academy and my Mama and Dad for their love and support... this one's for you folks.
Oh, I almost forgot... please hold the "your time is up for your speech music..." I need to thank the Mouse whom I laugh at and play my rock band music to everyday... this one's also for the Clubhouse!
Project Valentine!
Hey all my Valentine exchangin', 1-800 FLOWER sendin', gourmet Heart Shaped Pizza gettin' Peeps! This is a pretty rad day, Mommy even had like three outfit changes for me for this one day y'all refer to as The Day of L-O-V-E! This is how I feel about that...
Just in case anyone is wondering, this shirt of mine says "Kisses $.25!" Don't worry Mommy, I won't charge you, you would owe me like one million dollars!!! So my Noni got me my first Valentine's Dragon and Mama says, now London, smile just like Mr. Dragon... Ta-Da, how'd I do?
Thank you, thank you, you can hold your applause 'till the end. Next outfit up is "My First Valentine's Day" shirt with my main man on it!!! Happy V-Day Mickey ol' boy!
My ears got a little chilly on this warm hearted kind of day... never fear my trapper hat is always near!
Daddy and I discussed this "love-ly" day, and decided he had something special planned for Mama, so I knew that I wanted to make it grandioso for her too! Project Valentine Making for Mommy was in full swing! Supply List:
Big Red Heart - CHECK!
"Be Mine Valentine" Mickey Mouse Style - CHECK!
London Drool hoping it will make Mickey Valentine's stick to Big Red Heart because I am too young to use Elmer's Glue- CHECK!
MAMA! You are not suppose to see what I am making you!
I could not decide which Valentine I wanted to give to Mommy, so I thought that perhaps I would just give them all to her... I knew at that moment this kid was gonna need A LOT more drool for this Project Valentine!
I am feelin' a lil thristy...
Starting to tire out... I have Hearts coming out of my ears... LITERALLY!!!
I am like a 7 month old Cupid!
And then it was Daddy's turn to give Mommy something super duper awesome... he had a special vase with a picture of them in Paris made and it was sent with a dozen, red, long-stemmed roses; for all of you who may not know... that is hoittee-toittee SUPER special! Of course Mama was almost cryin'!
Here are those two Love Birdies!
And presenting, last but not least, my most polished look for the evening... my very own, very first TUX (brought to you by the Grimm-stone)!
After playing Cupid Junior along side my Daddy, we both were gettin' pretty hungry by the end of this fabulous evening!
And of course the Love Birds had to be festive with their meal, so they decided to go with a heart shaped pizza from the local pizzeria here in town! Mommy and Daddy got pretty excited about their pizza ( I had apples if anyone was wondering)!
Well my fellow Cupids, here's wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day and that everyday is full of love and pizza. I saved all of you a special Big Red Heart, this one's from Me to YOU!
Happy Paris Day!!!
Bonjour all of my Parisian Peeps!!! Today is my Mama and Daddy's Engagement Anniversary! Two years ago today my Daddy asked Mommy to marry him in Paris!!! Go Daddy!!! This is Mommy with her coffee VERY early in the morning getting ready to get on a train that would take my folks into the most romantic city in the world... or so I am told!

So Daddy takes Mommy to the Cafe Du Trocadero, which is a hoittee toitee sort of cafe that overlooks the Eiffel Tower and...
He has a waiter deliver a letter to Mama that reads, "Veux-Tu M' epouser?" For those who are not up on their french it means, "Will You Marry Me?" As she looks up, he gets on one knee and asks her in English... just in case she didn't understand the note!
Oh, by the way, OF COURSE Mama said, "YYYYEEESSSSS!!!" And then came "The Kiss"!
The Eiffel Tower even sparkled and lit up right as Daddy got on his knee... what awesome timing My 'Ol Man has!
My Folks got good practice in takin' pics on their magical and radical Engagement Trip... gettin' ready to capture my face on film!

Happy Paris Day Mommy and Daddy! I love you guys! I'm so glad I get to celebrate it with you this year! One of these years we three will have to make a date to visit the Eiffel Tower together!
So, this is really what happened tonight after bath time. Mommy almost cried! It wasn't even planned! It was story time and Daddy turned to the next story we were on for tonight and this is what story it was...
And then Daddy said to Mommy, "God just wanted us to visit Paris tonight... It was just London style!"
Hey all of my egg colorin', basket fillin', carrot leavin', best dressed in your Sunday best, Bunny watchin' Peeps... not to be confused with those yellow chick marshmallow Peeps I just learned about on Sunday... HAHA!!!
I am about to tell you a tale of long ago... well, actually it was only two days ago... just trying to sound like my friend Charles Dickens.
Where did I leave off? Oh yes...

It all began on my First Easter weekend and it was Egg-mazing- definitely sounding more and more like Dickens! It was a weekend full of fun adventures and new discoveries... including this bunny suit Mama picked up for me... the cotton tail was cool, the ears resembled that of a cat more than a bunny and they did not help me hear any better, but it was still rad to pretend I was the hippity-hoppity Easter Bunny!
Mommy wanted me to be festive while we colored my very first batch of Easter eggs.
I was not too sure about this whole coloring perfectly good grub with artificial color...
But I gave it a whirl to please the Folk-sters... those kids are always workin' on somethin'!
And it turns out, Yours Truly became EGG-static about coloring un-hatched chicklings!!!
Are y'all ready to check out my master pieces? NO, they are NOT hiding in my Dad's beard silly! What do you think this is, an Easter egg hunt???

Mama and Noni had EGG-stra fun decorations to spruce up these cute lil' eggs... we would not have it any other way than Mickey style of course!!!
After egg coloring I got plum tuckered out! But Mama and Daddy told me that we had to put a carrot out so that the Easter Bunny could have a yummy snack when he hopped to our house to drop off a basket full of goodies for ME! So I gave the furry guy one of my mini carrots... told Mama not to blend up this one!
And if I did not see it with my own peep-sters, I would never have believed it... I awoke Easter Morning and this is what I saw...
YEA... I KNOW!!! This Bunny actually took a bite out of the carrot... HE IS SO REAL!
That's not him... That's just me taking a break from this story to eat some breakfast carrots with a mask on...

See! Had you guys going for a second! Now where was I...

You have got to be kidding me! Mom says the Easter bunny is in the front yard! It's time to get dressed for the Big Day. I hear you have to dress your best to get a chance at seeing old mister bunny. Here is good ole mom helping me put on my snazzy hat!
And no outfit is complete unless you are rockin' a very classy bow-tie! Dad! To the front yard! Let's track this Rabbit!
I don't believe it! There was a bunny paw trail that went from the edge of the grass and and took a hop onto our walk way!
I was in TOTAL dis-belief! Mama and Daddy, is this a dream, or did Mr. Easter Rabbit really leave me my very own Easter Basket???

How did he know I loved Mickey? I hope he is not offended that I like mice more than rabbits!
Mr. Bunny even filled my plastic Easter eggs with Gerber Organic Puffs that teach me my fine motor skills... he must have children.
And it wasn't long before shock wore off, and curiosity kicked into high gear!
The Disney books and blu-rays were awesome... but there was this one orange egg that got my attention!
And kept my attention for quite some time.
Not only did the Easter Bunny get me a basket, but my Papa Rich and Noni did too!!!
WOW! This puppy was packed out! Thank you Papa Rich and Noni! If I did not know better I would think that Papa and Noni knew the Easter Bunny or something...
Suddenly I got word that there was a Bunny sighting at my Aunt Cookie's house... grab my coat Folks... and away we GO!
Once we got there, the Fam wanted to eat a quick lunch! I couldn't believe they did not want to begin Bunny searching immediately... time is of the essence!!!!
Aunt Cookie then told me that she saw "The Bunny" in a lil' hole behind some cages that were in her backyard... guess it's better for him to be behind a cage than in it!

Lunch was finally over and now we get to go have a little "look see" like Doctor Knox would say.

You know I meant business if I lost my bow tie and coat for a minute... can't get those dirty.
And then... I spotted him! Aunt Cookie had to offer him fresh veggies, and Cousin Kirsten lured him out while Cousin Katelyn waved her sparkly crutch at him... but he finally made his Easter appearance!!!

He was a lil' smaller than I had imagined the Easter Bunny to be... but he was so awesome!!! He must have been over eating carrots after eating them all night, 'cause all he was wanting to grub on was grass.
And then it happened... I got to take my picture with The Bunny... it was strange that my Dad could hold the Easter Bunny and he had super dirty feet... but it was probably because he was hopping all over the world the night before.
I started to warm up a bit the more pics we all took...
I wanted to make sure that I was nice to him so that he would hop over to our house next Easter and leave me his paw prints and another Mickey basket!
Then I was trying to give my Mama the look as if to say, "Do you think Mr. Bunny would like to come home with us? I promise I will share my carrots everyday with him!"
POOF! Suddenly the Easter Bunny was gone! Well, my Daddy let him hop in the grass and Aunt Cookie I think gave him a lil' Timothy hay... it is kinda weird that Aunt Cookie has like all this bunny food and treats at her house... no wonder the Easter Bunny hangs out there after his deliveries!
Mama put my coat and bow tie back on and home we went. I got to sit with the Easter eggs we colored and admire our craftsmanship while eating a few Gerber Puffs.
I began to ponder... It is pretty crazy that for every major pager holiday someone comes to your house and drops off a gift... old man with a beard at Christmas (NOT to be confused with my Daddy), cupid at Valentine's and a white bunny with a brown streak down his back at Easter... totally amazing!
Side note, this here was my absolute favorite Easter egg we colored!
Man that tale was long! I am exhausted!
But I am getting a little emotional that this Easter holiday is all over and that Mama and Daddy are telling me that I need to get in my P.J.'s... yes, I am sure Dickens wore a footed sleeper too!
I sure hope that I can fit into this snazzy outfit next year... I feel like it brought me good luck... I mean come on, what kid gets lucky enough to not only see colored Easter Bunny paw prints in his front yard... but to actually touch his dirty feet at his Aunt Cookie's house?
Well, hope y'all had as awesome as an Easter as I! HEY! Just had an amazing thought, maybe next year we can invite the Easter Bunny to Church! WOOOOHOOOOOOO! Charles Dickens to the L to the J to the G signing off and to all a good night!
Hot Dog Summer in the City... or in farm land!
Hey all my speedo wearin', towel layin', sunscreen smellin' Peeps! So it has been getting mighty warm up here in cow country and I began thinking, how can I stay cool through all of these crazy heat waves... and then it hit me like a two ton shark, I needed a pool!!!
It's not just any ordinary childish pool, no no! It has a slide, and awesome cartoon sea creatures printed on it like an octopus with a treasure chest and a snorkeling duck holding a cupcake, you know, the norm!

It's not just any ordinary childish pool, no no! It has a slide, and awesome cartoon sea creatures printed on it like an octopus with a treasure chest and a snorkeling duck holding a cupcake, you know, the norm!
It took me a few minutes to get used to my cool new pool. I mean, aside from the new pool, I had to get used to my new ensemble which included Mickey trunks and a scuba Mickey rash guard... just in the event I felt like riding a wave.
I was like, "Mama, where are all of the waves?"

When I did not see them roll in, I decided I was going to make my own!!! Those in the first 10 rows, look out... we call it the SPLASH ZONE!
I then began to ponder, I wonder if Mr. Phelps started his World Record holding Olympian Career in a pool with a snorkeling ducky holding a cupcake? The duck is very inspiring.
"Hey Mama, do you think I got what it takes to be an Olympian?" and of course she's over there already cheering me on like I am racing the World Record holder himself! Thanks for your support Mama.
Daddy told me after a bit it was time to climb out of my cool new pool 'cause my toes were getting wrinkly...
... I did check them today and they are back to normal!
I'm like a shark, I'm like a lil' shark, I'm like a shark! I mean look at this face, it screams Jaws Junior... I bet he doesn't look this fierce while eating his oatmeal and organic pears! Breakfast of champions baby... look out Mr. Phelps here comes London "Jaws" Guerra!!!
My Daddy Has Heard "Happy Birthday" 30 Times!!!
Hey all of my card gettin', wishin' on a candle, cake eatin' (unless you can't eat cake yet), Birthday celebratin' Peeps! So my Pops' Big 3-0 Birthday Bash was over a week ago, sorry it has taken me a few days to publish a public Happy Birthday Wish Daddy-O, it has been pretty busy around here with lots of exciting things... more on that in the following posts! My Dad is now 30, and he is such an awesome 30 year old... I mean, look at him!
Hey Pops, just for your Birthday, I decided to think of some describing words just for you, I came up with 30 of them in honor of your 30th Birthday... Mama, can you jot these down for me? Thank you.
When I think of my Daddy, this is what I think (30 words begin now): Amazing, Kind, Giving, Loves Jesus, No Sleep, Beard, Duck Dynasty, Talented, Me and Mommy's Best Friend, Creative, Fun, Star Wars, Thoughtful, Outdoors Dude, Reading, World's Best Daddy, I Love You!
I hope you had a rad Birthday Dad, you deserve a rad day everyday. Hope you remembered to make a special wish on your Birthday candles... it's funny though, I haven't blown out a birthday candle and made a wish and yet my wish of having the most incredible Dad came true... because I have you!
I guess I am just a super blessed Kid! Happy Birthday Daddy!
FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 2013
Take Me Out to the Ball Game...
Hey all my home run hittin', hot dog eatin', strike pitchin' peeps! Tis' the season I hear for the Ol' American past time game of baseball! I know, I know I apologize I am a few weeks late in welcoming the start of it's season, but I am ready to go out on a limb on this one, and I am going to speak out in faith that my Daddy's favorite team, the Dodgers, is going to be in the World Series- that is a very important game, life lesson #192. So I wanted to impress my Old Man with my Dodger knowledge so I have been researching some of the awesome Dodger players of all-time. I am going to do a Top Ten List... you can call me London Letterman!
Note to y'all before we begin the countdown, these Dodger players are from the L.A. franchise not Brooklyn... Let us continue... Coming in at #10 is Kirk Gibson! Kirk only spent three years with the Dodgers but it has to be his World Series Homer that placed his team ahead 5-4 that helped to leave such a historic impact for him in relation to the Dodgers! Can we get an arm pump?
#9 on London's Top Ten Dodger players of all time is Mike Pizza... what was that Dad? Ohhhh, Piazza, my bad! Did you know that Mr. Piazza is the best-hitting catcher in baseball history?! That's something to be proud of!
I am getting motivated to learn this fascinating game! I even got my very own Louisville slugger out! Papa Rich got me my first Louisville and had my name put on it... I am totally like in the MLB! Getting back to our list, coming in at #8, is Fernando Valenzuela. Yea, the dude pitched a lil' funny but he did have a NO Hitter game against the St. Louis Cardinals and in 1986 he struck out five consecutive batters in the All-Star Game... perhaps his non-conventional way of pitching could be adopted by some.
I am getting so into this Baseball talk that I feel like I need to chew some gum like the major leaguers do... but I am still working on teeth so I will have to settle for my Dodger Paci. Uncle Ryan this Dodger is on the list for you Dude... #7 is Orel Hershiser. Let's go back to 1988, the guy was pretty much a solo act in carrying his team to the World Series title. Good choice in Dodger Heroes Uncle!
#6 on tonight's Countdown is Steve Garvey... not to be confused with Steve Harvey the comedian. Garvey was an EIGHT time All-Star and won FOUR golden gloves!
These guys were amazing at this game... I thought I was doing good at being able to pick the baseball up! Halfway through our list and placing in at #5 is Maury Wills. Wills is known for bringing stealing the bases back to the game... I wonder if he ever gave them back?
#4 on the list was not only a player for the Dodgers, he was a scout, coach and manager... if you guessed Mr. Tommy Lasorda than you win a high five because you are spot on Team Homerun!!! Lasorda REALLY liked this team! Random info, did you know that Tommy was the godfather to one of Piazza's brothers? Maybe a lil' family pull getting Piazza to bleed some Dodger blue, eh?
The one and the only Vin Scully comes in at #3. Arguably the greatest sports broadcaster in history. He is known for his memorable calls, just the way he can phrase a play or a moment in a game can turn it nostalgic instantly. Scully once said, "I would come home to listen to a football game- there weren't other sports on - and I would get a pillow and I would crawl under the radio, so that the loudspeaker and the roar of the crowd would wash all over me, and would just get goose bumps like you can't believe. And I knew that of all the things in this world that I wanted, I wanted to be that fella saying, whatever, home run or touchdown. It just really got to me."
#2 on London's researched and compiled list of greatest Dodgers, is Don Drysdale. Drysdale was a dynamic pitcher, he was half of a dominating pitching duo during the 1960s... just a lil' before I was born. #1 on the countdown...drum roll please... is the other half of that dominating pitching duo Mr. Sandy Koufax. Koufax is one of the best left-handed pitchers of all-time. Koufax led the Dodgers to two World Series titles. These guys make me feel exhausted just discussing their accomplishments!
I hope y'all enjoyed my Top Ten List of the Greatest Dodgers of All Times. Hey Daddy, are proud of all my Dodger knowledge? I can't wait to learn more about this game from you Pops! Maybe someday I will be in the Hall of Fame, but for now I will practice picking up my Dodger baseball and rolling it to my Dad... the Great's had to start somewhere!
Rather be Muddy Hiking, Than Clean at a Shower
Hey all my Yosemite hikin', bridal shower goin', may the force be with you awesome Peeps! So this past weekend I went with my Mama and Noni to a Bridal shower... not just any shower, it was my soon-to-be Aunt Monica's Shower... In case you are wondering it is called a shower because everyone HAS to take a shower before they show up! Life lesson #134.
This is me spick and span and ready for the shower!
And then it hit me like a ton of Lego bricks... my Daddy and Uncle Ryan were not going to this gathering... THEY were going up to YOSEMITE!!! Hold everything! What kind of Jedi mind trick did they use on me?
I would have loved to eat a chicken sandwich and record on a Sony Action Cam! Now I am just picturing in my Patiwan mind what it would have been like to be in Yosemite with "The Guys"...
I mean, think about all the awesome footage we could have got on the Action Cam of me and The Yosemite Fall!
Ahhhhh, those would've been great memories!
Well, enough about showers and a fall, I have made a realization while Jedi Mickey and I were hanging out... every year on May 4th, I celebrate Star Wars Day! For those who might be confused... May the FOURTH be with you... haha, hope you get it. But now, since Uncle Ryan is getting married on that day, now I have 2 things to celebrate!
Celebrate good times come on!
Jedi Mick and your Patiwan nephew are real happy for you bud! May 4th is coming up quick and we're super duper excited! Oh yea, and if you hear a fog horn sort of noise on your Big Day, it will not be Chewbaca, it will be me cheering for y'all!!!
I have just one more thought before I hit the crib-ster...
When you get back from the moon with your honey I say we pack up and hit the ol' trail! I need to pick up some of those cool wooden shades bro... I mean Uncle.
Uncle Rye... May the Fourth Be With You.

I decided that I needed to dress up for this very Special Day, I mean you only turn 1, one time on the 4th of July! Thus, I told Mama today was a star tie worthy sort of day!
Then Mama and Daddy gave me this wavy thing called the Flag... Props to Betsy Ross for an impressive job in sewing it!
Wait just a firecracker second! Mama! Betsy Ross did not sew this Flag, unless Mrs. Ross puts UPC labels on the back of her sewing projects!
Between wishing me a Happy Birthday a gazillion times, Mama and Daddy also taught me about the holiday, 4th of July. I learned how important it is to respect Our flag... hence me giving the flag a kiss...
And then I learned how to roll my little Betsy Ross flag up... you smooth it out...
And then roll.
And then for the fireworks!!! Fireworks for me and for Our Country! I have the most fun Birthday ever!!! Hey Mama and Daddy, can you move a little to the left with the cameras? I am trying to watch the Macy's Day Firework Spectacular on NBC.
My hat goes off to all those who have fought and still fight for Our independence and freedom. So from London to all of you, thank you and Happy Birthday!
Now, I am going to let Mama and Daddy say a few words... but just on this one blog Folks! London, this time last year, we finally got to hold God's most beautiful miracle. You are the absolute joy of Our lives. You have given us the opportunity to experience this life again through new eyes. We get to find happiness in the small things, like watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse multiple times everyday. We feel like you are teaching us new things all the time. Mommy and Daddy have never known a love this deep for someone or something and this love is for you. We pray everyday for you and thank the Lord that He has given us a bundle of sweetness that can't be compared. Thank you London for being the light in Our lives. We are blessed to be your Mama and Daddy. Hugs and loves Baby Boy and a very Happy Happy 1st Birthday!
MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2013
Yo, Ho! Yo, Ho! Two More Weeks to Go!!!
Hey all of my Pluto and Mickey pillow pal lovin' Peeps! Well, it is official... my very FIRST trip to the Happiest Place on Earth (that would be the 'Ol Disneyland) is exactly 2 weeks from today! WOW, I am getting so Mouska-riffically excited to meet the REAL Mickey and Pluto!!!
I began to ponder what I would say to the most Famous Mouse when I meet him... I mean what do you say to the greatest star on Earth?
Or maybe I will not say anything (I mean I may not be saying a whole lot of words in two weeks) so perhaps I will wear my Mouska-Ears and just wave like this.
But suddenly my morning of planning my convo with Mic was halted when I heard Mama singing...
"Yo, Ho! Yo, Ho! It's a Pirate's Life for Me!" Mama reminded me of one of the rides at the park I hope I can go on... can you guess which one it is?
Pirates of the Caribbean... you are quick... let me guess, my Little People Pirate Ship gave it away?
With Mama singin' and Daddy hesitating not a single second to jump right in, I knew it was my turn to show my folks what being a pirate really looks like... Give me two shakes of a pirate parrot's tail feather...
Now that is more like it!
What do you think Buckaneer???
I really was getting into the spirit of the Caribbean Pirates... I wanted to know what else would make me more like them...
I Got it! Missing teeth! You can't blame the pirates, I am sure none of them had dentists who were aboard their ships (or had the right insurance benefit package), so missing teeth was most likely a given. I have a ton of missing teeth, I actually only have 6 teeth to be exact... ARRRR Mate!
And I am positive that pirates owned puppies... and I have Patches! I am such a natural born Pirate.
Between the striped pirate ship romper, red bandana, missing teeth and Patches... I would say that I am more than ready to meet these Pirates that live in the Caribbean!
Aww... only 14 more days until Disneyland... my countdown begins... "Yo, Ho! Yo, Ho! A London Pirate's Life for Me!"
SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013
Celebrating the Awesomeness of my Daddy Day!!!
Hey all of my celebrating my Rad Dad, super thoughtful Peeps! It is official, my Daddy is the best, they even specified this particular day on the ol' calendar to celebrate him, it is called my Father's Day!!! WOW, my Pops has his own holiday, I knew he was awesome! And in honor of his awesomeness, I decided to have Mama dress me in my awesome Ninja Turtle Shirt 'cause my Dad is a huge fan of these four turtles. This shirt is for you Man!!!
But the modeling of the t-shirt wasn't enough for my Dad, no sir-e. I had to come up with something more, something better, something creative, something... Andrew James Guerra worthy!
And so my hunt began ... this is my serious hunting face.
This is not my serious hunting face.
And this is me calling for Mama 'cause I needed some help designing the perfect gift for Daddy! "Mama, what would my Father love for his special holiday?" Her answer, "Something from the heart... maybe put into words how you feel about Daddy." And I responded, "I will think of how I can put into words what I think of when I think of Daddy, but just a reminder Mama, I may need help writing it down on a piece of paper..."
So I spent the next few moments thinking of Daddy and how he is always there for me, and he has always been (we go way back), even back when I was born 11 months ago...
I remember this moment of Daddy holding me when I was just a wee Lad, and I knew even then, that my Daddy was something mighty special and AMAZING and that I got the BEST Father in the world... I knew A LOT when I was that small.
Awww... memories.
Now, to work. I am here reviewing what Mama wrote down on behalf of me... it is amazing how she knows exactly what I would have jotted down myself!!!
Double checking the spelling of my name... yup, Mama got it right... London stamp of approval.
Well, here it is Daddy, from me to you Champ...
Thank you for all that you do for me and for Mama! We both love you with all of Our hearts and congrats on your own Holiday Dude! Happy Daddy's Day today and everyday!!!
Prepping for Party!
Hey all my gettin' ready and set to turn ONE and celebrate like it's 2013 Peeps!!! So it has been a bit since I have blogged an adventure, but that doesn't mean I haven't had one! It has been pretty busy with my Birthday coming up... Mama and Daddy have been creating so many fun things to make the day superly duperly special... thanks Folks!!! SO I decided that I needed to do my part, and knowing that there may be quite a few pics taken that day, I made the decision I needed to start working out and workin' on maintaining what my shirt says I am a "BEACH HUNK"!!!
I Got my Nike's...
My Ab roller...
And even an additional 2.5 pound weight on the roller... I'm feelin' ambitious, I guess that's what almost One year does to a man!
Daddy asked if I would like to borrow his dumb bell... and I told him it wasn't kind to call the bell dumb even if it doesn't know how to ring.
The Ab roller turned out to also be a great pull up bar for my chin ups...
Well, my chin didn't get pass the bar, but look folks I'm standing... you know what they say, small steps... well still trying to work those out.
This roller is fantastic, it even has a pillow for when you get exhausted. I'm feelin' the burn, Beach Hunk in the making!
In the midst of my heavy duty training, I spotted a piece of my work-out gear I forgot to put on...
I'm sweatin' Dodger Blue!
Mama, I got this, I have worn enough hats now that I can put it on by myself.
TA-DA!!! Backwards and all... and check out those biceps!
Now back to business. A couple hundred more reps... that's short for reputation... what Mama? Ohhhhh, thank you for that small correction... it is short for repetition. Life lesson #183.
My work-out is complete and afterwards we ran to the post office - we did not actually run, we took the Hyundai because I was too tired and I still have to learn how to run - to mail out my very special Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Invitations for my 1st Birthday Party!!! Beach Hunk is ready to Party MMC style!
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